How to Write Hooks: 10 Knockout Examples

Sometimes all it takes to grab attention is a sharp, one-liner AKA a hook

Welcome to your weekly dose of content marketing wisdom!

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Sometimes all it takes to grab attention is a sharp, one-liner AKA a “hook”.

Let’s go over the top 10 hooks that have engaged audiences and marked success stories for marketers.


One-liners are more than just quick statements.

They are the essence of your brand’s story, packaged neatly in a memorable and engaging way.

These snappy lines can be the cornerstone of your branding across multiple channels.

But crafting the perfect hook??

That's an art and it can be freakin tough!

It must be crisp, clear, and compelling, striking a chord with your audience.

Here are 10 ideas you can begin to experiment with right away

  1. Value Statements: Highlight values you stands for AND AGAINST.

  2. Data Declarations: Leverage statistics to showcase your expertise.

  3. Problem-Solution Promises: Find a problem and present the solution.

  4. Call-to-Action: Motivate your audience to take a specific action.

  5. Empathy Expressions: Tap into the dreams and of your audience.

  6. Empathy Expressions: Show empathy for your audience’s challenges.

  7. Innovation Announcements: Be. Your. Self.

  8. Trust-Building: Use customer feedback to build credibility.

  9. Challenge-Defying Statements: Position your brand as capable of overcoming industry challenges.

  10. Community-Centric Conversations: Emphasize your commitment to building and nurturing a community.

Here is an example of a Postlyy Subscriber sharing a value statement hook and the results:

Pro Tip:

  • Mix and match these strategies to keep your LinkedIn presence dynamic.

  • Use Postlyy’s analytics to measure the impact and refine your approach.

  • Authenticity is key; ensure your one-liners are true to your brand’s voice.

What Hook Are You Most Excited to Try?

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