Content Creator Spotlight: Meet Sunday

Your Weekly Insider on Smarter Content Creation and Strategy

Creator's Corner: Tip of the Week 

To enhance engagement on Twitter, consider using Twitter polls. They're not only interactive, encouraging more participation from your followers, but they also offer valuable insights into audience preferences.

Strategically crafted polls can significantly increase your engagement metrics – aim for a noticeable uptick in likes, retweets, and comments. Plus, they're a great tool for sparking conversations and understanding your audience better, potentially leading to a 30-40% increase in engagement rates.

Spotlight: Creator of the Week 

Each week, we feature a standout tweet or insight from a leading voice in the content creation world.

This week we are featuring Sunday!

We asked him what Content creation means to him. Here’s what he had to say 👇

“Content Creation is the process of creating contents to market or create the demand for a product, offer or service by creating relevant, relatable, inspiring educating and entertaining contents around that product, offer or service to the specific target audience in need of that product, offer or service.”

What's Buzzing in Social Media?

On Twitter, trendjacking has become increasingly important. This involves leveraging the news cycle and trending topics to engage with audiences, making use of timely, relevant, and hashtag-centric themes.

In a broader view of social media, longer videos are making a comeback, with platforms increasing their maximum video lengths and user behavior shifting towards more in-depth content. This trend is partly driven by social networks becoming alternative search engines, where users seek answers to their questions. The move towards longer videos is expected to gain traction as platforms like Instagram and TikTok test longer video formats, suggesting a shift in content strategy

Break Time! Need a quick chuckle? Check this out 👇

Join the Conversation We love hearing from you! Share your thoughts, feedback, or your own content creation triumphs. Connect with us on twitter or reply to this email. Your insights might just be featured in our next issue!

Until Next Time! That's a wrap for this week! Keep an eye out for our next edition, where we'll bring you more tips, insights, and laughs. Until then, keep creating, scheduling, and analyzing with Postlyy!